Sunday, March 9, 2008


Woah! Today was great,we played soccer till we could not feel our legs anymore.
We had a team of 7(Ash,Ashnee,Kumaran,Satish,Shaun,Donald and ME!)
We named ourselves UNLUCKY was my idea haha!

Anyways we lost the first game but played well after that,in all we won 3 games lost 2 games and draw 1 game.Satish and Kumaran were playing forwards dam well and Donald was playing keeper and I was playing defender all the way,Shaun Ash and Ashnee were switching among themselves.

In our "Pitch 3" of the "CAGE" there were 4 teams(Adidas,Aljuned,and some other team that i cant remember the name right now and of course Unlucky 13)

We played well and had a good game with all the other teams and made many new friends,EXCEPT for adidas team.There was this loser who kept pushing me against the wall very hard.I tolerated his crap for a very long time, until i finally got mad and asked him if he wanted to die.He acted very big in front of his friends by speakibg back to me.

After the match Kumaran and Ash were trying to cool me down haha! so I put that crap aside and continued playing the other matchs.

HAHA!! I was the one who scored the winning goal to bring our team into the semi finals(my goal was super lucky,I just put my leg forward,all the credit goes to Satish who made a beautiful pass by lopping the ball, all i did was put my leg infront =_=.Ohh yea Kumaran scored the most goals Donald was the man of the match and ALL this is partly beacuse of Ash because Ash made the team. Oh yea Kumaran was our CAPTAIN haha!!!

After the game we went to KFC where i saw that loser who pushed me into the wall and right away my blood started boilling.Kumaran was stopping me but Ash said let me go,so i went to the boy and told him to eat his food and come outside.I could have wacked him up,if it was not for my friends who settled it by talking.Thanks guys,now that i am more cool, i am thankfull that i didnt do a stupid thing like wacking that loser.

Thanks Guys for all the fun...cant wait for next sunday...I am soo confident we will go all the way if we play like how we played today

UNLUCK 13 FOREVER!!!!! haha


Lovell said...

Hi Nilesh Take my friend test visit my blog at

Sadden. said...

Cool Down dude~ you have great skills in playing soccer though~ hahas=)