Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Prelims started already......where did all the time go???haha
A lot has happened,like Singapore won a silver medal AFTER 48 Congrats
Also,lately all i have been doing is STUDYING!!!!
Everyday i wake up and put a tick on my calender...its a sort of motivation i guess.haha

So I guess that's life super boring......OHHH wait wait
Yesterday I had O levels ORAL exams.Hope i did well.
There were tow teacher,1 who laughed all the way through my oral and the other 1 just sat there shaking her head.But i guess she was busy marking me that's why.

During the course 4 studying 4 O,I realised my friends who were super tight with me....STOPPED CALLING MEEE!!!!!WTF haha i dont blame them,I think they dont wan2 distract me or something.

OK thats all folks...see you around BYE!!! :D

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